It's me and you, you stinky poo.
I'm on this throne til we are through.
I push and push and bite my lip,
"get out you fucker, thou art but shit!"
One more heave, I hear "kerplunk"
And then it hit me that awful funk.
I open the window, I crack the door,
I shed a tear as I fart some more.
And just when I think the worst is over,
I swear to god I fart a clover.
"my luck has changed!" I figure out,
I hear a gurgle, round 2, another bout.
The sun has set, I've no more to poo,
I'm so hungry, I eye the shampoo.
The time has come, I've got to go,
I push the lever. Nothing. "oh no."
One twice I flush three times,
The water goes down, my poop always climbs.
And so the best part of being a father,
"who made this mess?!". " I wonder, the toddler?"
Welcome To Redonkulous Realities
Where Logic and Reason come to die. If ever a voice needed to be heard, it's not this one. Whenever crime and injustice takes place, I won't be near, but rest assured I will openly mock and humiliate all involved. WARNING: The following people will be insulted; Fat People, skinny people, stupid people, EVERY AMERICAN EVER, serial killers, librarians, politicians, Vets (Veterinarians not war vets), War Vets (Thought you got off easy didn't you?), Teachers, Students, Kanye West... Ya know what, I'm running out of space so let's just sum it up with EVERYONE!