Welcome To Redonkulous Realities

Where Logic and Reason come to die. If ever a voice needed to be heard, it's not this one. Whenever crime and injustice takes place, I won't be near, but rest assured I will openly mock and humiliate all involved. WARNING: The following people will be insulted; Fat People, skinny people, stupid people, EVERY AMERICAN EVER, serial killers, librarians, politicians, Vets (Veterinarians not war vets), War Vets (Thought you got off easy didn't you?), Teachers, Students, Kanye West... Ya know what, I'm running out of space so let's just sum it up with EVERYONE!

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Side Effects

  The girlfriend and I were discussing birth control options recently and I've discovered two things. Firstly, I know nothing of the feminine indoor plumbing system and the myriad of pharmaceutical ICBM's honed towards nothing more than killing future babies and making girlies all icky. Second. Leave it to a woman to make not using a condom sound disgusting, problematic and otherwise like a bad idea.
   Everything comes with side effects. And their never the fun ones like laser vision or being able to solve math problems really fast. They were close on one. Viagra! The only drug where the side effect is exactly what it's supposed to do and an exhausted woman. They took it too far though. 'Yea it's gonna work! But there is a chance it's REALLY gonna work. In which case find your local hospital so they can stab you in your favourite body part.' Still worth it?
   It's fucked and it never makes sense. I seen one it was a nasal spray. They then interrupt the ten second span of an older gentleman or soothing lady voice telling you how much better you'll feel to bring you the half hour interlude of terrible shit that this stuff WILL do to you after it possibly relieves your sniffles. At one point the slick talking auctioneer slips in 'possible side effects also include seizures and death but only in a select few. If this occurs discontinue use immediately.' I'm thinking no shit. Who's this sick son of a bitch force feeding me medication when I'm a shrivelled and cold mass of 'really should have bought the tissues instead.' 
  Of course one of my personal favourites is 'suicidal tendencies.' These poor fucking study groups never see em coming do they? I just wanna see the conversation between ma and pa unsuspecting as he ever so slightly lowers that newspaper in bed, removed the glasses and with an enthusiastic breath in, proclaims 'You know Margaret. I think that cold medication is starting to work. I've never breathed so clearly... Spose I'll go kill myself. Yea, may as well end it on a high note.'
   Personally I think we're going about it all wrong. What we should be doing is inventing newer and more gruesome medications in which to kill ourselves and for the sake of good intentions, write on the bottle, 'Warning, may clear sinuses!' No more lawsuits, no more failed hopes. Problem solved.

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