Welcome To Redonkulous Realities

Where Logic and Reason come to die. If ever a voice needed to be heard, it's not this one. Whenever crime and injustice takes place, I won't be near, but rest assured I will openly mock and humiliate all involved. WARNING: The following people will be insulted; Fat People, skinny people, stupid people, EVERY AMERICAN EVER, serial killers, librarians, politicians, Vets (Veterinarians not war vets), War Vets (Thought you got off easy didn't you?), Teachers, Students, Kanye West... Ya know what, I'm running out of space so let's just sum it up with EVERYONE!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Serial Killers And The World Of Conformity

  It's starting to bug me how no one ever realizes that their easy going, well spoken, ever polite neighbor has a basement full of bodies and a rusty hack saw to boot. Have we really never caught on that it's always the quiet ones. It's always, "He was such a nice guy. Quiet. Twitched a lot but nice."
  I'm sick of it. I want the raving fucking lunatics with a chainsaw collection and a pentagram on their front lawn made out of animal skulls. You never see the interviewed neighbor constantly looking around, mostly at the neighbors house saying, "The man was fucking nuts! He once bit my dog then paraded around the block in his underwear playing the drum line from 'Hot for Teacher' by Van Halen on his exposed stomach because he said JFK told him to."
  As a society of the sick hiding behind the depraved, we've grown accustomed to the routine of mediocrity. No one ever reaches higher. We're all too busy trying to fit in that even serial killers are afraid of straying outside the box. Which personally I find more terrifying than my overly polite neighbor. Why? Because creativity is necessary to the human endeavor. If our most bold thinking murders hide behind social norms of unimaginative identities than what does that say about the free thinkers of today? Have our DaVinci's  and Socrates of modern era run out of exciting new ideas and just pitch shitty movie ideas?
  China is in the midst of an imagination crisis! I can't make this shit up. Meaning an entire countries worth of social output and entertainment are all recycled ideas from last year. Are we doomed to the same fate? After all China is responsible for 90 percent of the worlds entertainment platforms. It's a domino effect people. If our imagination is dependent on the interactions we have than as a whole, we're screwed.
  More people on this planet would rather veg out to hours of endless video games than pick up a book. And I'm not complaining. I am worried however because these game heads are doomed to repeat the same level set in a different country time and time again.
  Television and various other dictators of how humanity should behave is stuck in a downward spiral of mental handicap. The important issues we face today is not how easy we find it to stab a friend in the back for an over taxed cash prize (though it is concerning), or how skinny we should be to comply with social standards or even how long we should cry about fictional breakups and revel in the absolutely retarded drama that has no place in this or any other time. (Hey Gossip Girl.... XOXO Fuck Off And Die!)
  My point is this people. We're all slaves to modern convention and refuse to throw away the shackles that tie us in bondage to the world of ratings and prime-time television. So serial killers I'm counting on you to beak the world free of its blindfolded optimism and change the world for the necessary.
   So say it loud. Say it proud.
                                                              Thank you.

End Starvation, Eat the Obese

  It's a sad fact that a HUGE (pardon the pun) percentage of the worlds population is ungodly obese while an equally staggering number of people continue to go hungry. And I'm not just talking fat. I'm talking Marlon Brando in a fat suit fat. Fat Bastard fat. Precious fat.
  But where is the answer? Moderation? Hilarious. "Maybe I'll get a diet coke with my three Big Mac meals."
  Maybe the other way with depriving North Americans of their favorite pastime to feed the needy? Nay Nay. I say let them eat cake and trans fats and deep fried bananas and wait until they are too weak from digestive exhaustion to fight back, throw their tubby asses onto an airplane and drop them like leaflets to all the hungry people with barbecue sauce and a dash of basil.
  "Really?!" You must be saying by now. "Waste good basil?! Is it really necessary to resort to cannibalism?" And the answer? Probably. Because the brass tacks of the situation is that the oceans will be unable to sustain life in a matter of years. Rain forests and wildlife are disappearing faster than people who snitched on Rupert Murdoch and until people can master the art of opening a condom wrapper the demand is only going to get higher.
   But Instead of abandoning fossil fuels and power plants of mass destruction for the energy that the big glowing bastard in the sky creates and just all together smartening up we'd rather watch music videos and shitty movie remakes and Brangolina adopt a single starving child in a country of starving children. That's like letting a single ant live than pissing on the anthill to put out the fire that you started.
  Instead of fixing the easily fixable problems, people are too focused on the important issues like copyright infringement, miracle hair growth products and keeping America in the black long enough to keep dropping bombs. But I suppose they've got things under control, after all it's hard to be hungry when you're too busy trying to find your legs.
  Let's follow the chain of stupidity shall we? The general population cries to feed the hungry. They turn to their governments. The same governments who's endless search for world domination leaves entire countries homeless and hungry. World domination meaning they tell the people of the world what to accept and how to make their lives "normal". The people voted for these governments and refuse to reexamine the global situation thus choosing to contribute to the suffering of millions and adding to the mentality that the world is something to be conquered. So I ask you. Who's fault is it for the continues deaths of entire populations? The greedy governments for choosing to pursue the 'All American Dream' of a single world flag? Or the people for continuing to put these people in power and refusing to put their foot down about what really matters in the world.
  So the next time a COUNTRY goes starving, I don't want to see any commercials payed for by the rich staring even richer celebrities asking the poor to feed the slightly more poor. No. Instead I should see public advisories and posters littering streets to change in a definitive way, our government and all the things that they 'stand for'. Because unless we pull our heads out of our collective asses, we may as well grow another set of canines and acquire a taste for uncle Bob. After all once all of those hungry kids and poor countries cease to exist and America goes bankrupt and becomes another starving third world country, who do you think will be ponying the bill to feed us.